
Dancers in lady gaga alejandro video
Dancers in lady gaga alejandro video

dancers in lady gaga alejandro video

What’s worse about it is the video very much promotes Nazi imagery as sexy and cool. So yeah, in a word, like usual Lady Gaga is trash and in this video decided instead of appropriating PoC to use Nazi images. (this man is wearing a replica of a nazi uniform) Then she gets this weird cat-walking army that wear clothes vaguely reminiscent of Nazi uniforms. However, she also combines it with S&M which is a common association with Nazism among kinksters and pornographers. The video also combines Nazi imagery with steampunk which garbles it a bit more: Like her nun-esque out fit and rosary weirdness and stripping and boob guns? The back up dancers’ haircuts also look like Hitler youth cuts:īut there’s also a lot of really unrelated imagery in the video. Again, this is subtler and much easier to miss than in Nicki Minaj’s video. The arm band in the first picture might not seem so subtle-but this shot lasts less than second and this dude is only shown twice in the video in the corner of the frame and the lighting is very dark. I missed this the first time I watched the video, but you can see that dude is wearing a red armband in the darkness.Īfter several viewings I also made one out on this guy: The aesthetic of their clothes is reminiscent to Nazis: It is even thought to have played a role in brainwashing people as doing tasks in unison encourages conformity. Other armies have used the goosestep, but it’s most strongly associated with Nazis because it emphasized their uniformity and conformity. Like in the video, one man leads in front. One of the first very obvious Nazi references in the video is the high stepping-that is reminiscent of the Nazi “goose-step” – but it only lasts a few seconds and is only preformed by the man in front To be fair, that imagery is more overt than the Nazi imagery. So again that shows you the media’s priorities. I’d also like to bring up the fact the video DID cause an uproar…for it’s appropriation of Catholic religious imagery.

dancers in lady gaga alejandro video

But once you notice it, it becomes obvious. While Nicki Minaj’s video literally mimics Nazi propaganda videos, with banners and clearly visible arm bands and military imagery mirroring Nazis exactly, Alejandro is less cohesive and more subtly evokes Nazi aesthetic.

dancers in lady gaga alejandro video

Also, the video is A LOT more subtle than Nicki Minaj’s. I was much less versed in antisemitism/anti-romani sentiment and Nazism then than I am now. In 2010 tumblr was even worse about addressing antisemitism, so of course you didn’t see anything about Alejandro.ĪNYWAY, to be perfectly honest I didn’t notice the Nazi imagery when the video came out.

dancers in lady gaga alejandro video

you don’t care about Lady Gaga since she’s white!) Which I find funny because as much as tumblr hates Lady Gaga and has discussed how problematic she is I haven’t ONCE seen goyim SJ bring up the Nazi imagery or antisemitism/anti-romani sentiment in that video-and then they only decide to bring it up just to silence us because they don’t otherwise care? Cute.Īlso the video is over four years old at this point-and all the other examples I saw people bring up are also old-but some of them have been discussed before (for example, I’ve had critical discussions about Harry Potter’s and Agent of Shield’s Nazi references). The people who brought it up obviously didn’t care about Jews or Romani or Nazism, they did it only to silence us about Minaj’s video (i.e. So people brought up the Nazi imagery in Lady Gaga’s Alejandro and I thought it was worth discussing.

Dancers in lady gaga alejandro video